How To Build Systems

Svntogreg. Ninth Letter.


  1. How to Build Systems

How To Build Systems

Your are going to sleep at night. But, for some reason, you can’t fall asleep. After some time you give up trying and instead you start dreaming. You envision yourself with a Greek god-like body and perfect skin - looking healthy and vibrant.

But in reality, you are far from reaching these goals. You feel frustrated and mad. Furious. Even though it is late at night, you begin doing push-ups: 10, 20, maybe if you mad enough you’ll do 50. Your heart races, and you become upset with yourself for not putting in the work. You realize that you haven't been valuing your body, your greatest gift. You know deep down that you need to start going to the gym.

In this dark night you make promises to yourself that you will continue the routine tomorrow. New day means New You, right? One step closer to the dream, right? You repeat this process for a couple of days. After a week you give up: because you have work, you need to care of your family. You need to do groceries - list never ends.

Your dream fades away. You will never reach your full genetic potential. Another dream that will forever remain a dream.

Being healthy is not the only dimension where you are failing BIG. But Why you are failing you might ask?

The answer is simple - You don’t know how to build systems.

Systems is the missing the link between “I want that (my dream) & My dream come true”

You need to have systems everywhere:

  • Health

  • Business

  • Work

  • Family

  • Relationships


Because that’s how you make life sustainable

Knowing how systems work is how you become a Master of your Destiny.

First of all, why a goals-first mentality is not enough? Because that’s not how you achieve meaningful things in life. There are several reasons for this:

Having a lot of goals = having a lot of desires. Desires are very tricky, because until you achieve X, you won’t be happy. You simply postpone your happiness for unknown future. By filling yourself with desires, you are creating very intense games, where you are either a winner or a loser. There is no middle ground. This is how you are robbing yourself of your present.

Desire is a contract that you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.”

Naval Ravikant

Secondly, you might fall into the “positive thinking” too much. This is a dangerous ground. Sometimes you might be hyping yourself too much. In this case, you might fall into “the positive fantasy trap”. Your brain does not differentiate between reality and fantasy. By fantasizing about the future a lot, you are robbing your present motivation & energy to do the essential task towards your desired future.

A small tip: In some cases, anxiety can be a better source of motivation than happiness.

Here you might actually want to be anxious rather than calm. It turns out, that anxiety is a better source of motivation.

Thirdly, let’s imagine that a miracle happens and you somehow achieve what you’ve always wanted. The God has heard your wish to become a millionaire and you’ve won a great sum of money. Now you are facing another issue: do you know how to sustain your wealth? It is required of you to be developed enough to sustain the outcome. As a result, if you don’t know HOW To Stay wealthy, you will become broke in no time.

Now you know why you need to know how to build systems.

Thy importance of systems is immense. Systems can give structure to the chaos of goal-setting.

There are a number of reasons why we all need systems:

Systems are focusing on the present: you can enjoy being happy now. With the help of the systems you can fall in love with your journey.

Systems are focusing on what you can improve: this is not “either I get it or I will be miserable” scenario, but rather “if I do X for Y time I will get Z”. Systems are build to embrace the process.

Systems are build to ensure long-term change: Systems are focused on the process. By understanding how the system functions, you can change the inputs to ensure the change of the outputs.

Now you are probably wondering: How do I create systems? There are 5 easy steps.

  • Clarify your goals: What do you want? Provide a detailed answer to this question. You are interested in getting as much details as you can here. What is on the other side of the river? How can you build a boat to reach the other side?

  • Determine the reasons behind your goals: What is your WHY? there is a quote from Friedrich Nietzsche: “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” Your why is what gives you a sense of the mission.

  • Educate yourself on the necessary steps: Don’t reinvent the wheel. Somebody has already reached the other side of the river. What steps did they take to get there? What is their mindset? What does their path look like? DON’T reinvent the wheel!

  • Establish specific plans for execution: Planning is essential. What you need to do is simple: have a planner (use Google calendar). There is a book you might’ve heard of “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. This book is full of practical wisdom and all the information there will help you build systems, which will propel you towards your desired future. When it comes to my experience, one of the most useful templates I still use is: “I will {Insert ACTION} in {Precise LOCATION} at {Precise TIME}.” Example: “I will READ two pages of X book in MY ROOM on a COUCH at 2 p.m. after doing Y”

  • Evaluate and refine the approach: Study different approaches. Some might work for you, some might not. Find something that will suit YOU. Everyone’s different. What works for me might not work for you. After getting exposed to different systems, you will find what works perfect for you.

Knowing how to build effective systems is how you become the master. This is how you fulfill your dreams. Mastering the art of building systems will help you enjoy your journey and hit your objectives. Say goodbye to the cycle of unfulfilled desires and hello to sustainable, long-term change. Transcend mere goal-setting and have fun along the way.

It's time to build the bridge to your dreams and make them a reality. This is how you bring long-term change to your life!

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Next week I’ll be writing about:

  1. The Hidden Burden: Unraveling the Weight of Ignorance Debt